With strong consumer confidence and rising home prices, homeowners in Colorado have taken advantage of growing home equity and low interest rates to remodel like crazy. Baby boomers who want to age in place are leading the charge and why not.
Regardless of your project’s size, complexity and cost, you have a greater chance of success if you hire mastery which is professionalism, experience and knowledge.
Mastery of the craft comes from years of dedication and experience. Remodeling is extremely different from new construction. Your remodeling contractor not only needs to be a master builder they also need to possess the experience and expertise to be able to carefully deconstruct areas of your home, while preserving the integrity of the existing space that you want to keep. They also must have the skills sets to blend it all together for a beautiful project to emerge in the end.
Make sure to take the time to do your due diligence. Be confident that your remodeling contractor has an excellent reputation by calling at least 3 of their references. Ask to see their insurance certificates and call those companies to insure the policies are current. Be sure to ask the one single most important question from their references. Would you hire them again and why?
Go online or pick up some remodeling magazines and peruse through pictures to show your remodeling contractor an idea of what you want in your kitchen, bath or deck remodel.
A master remodeler pays attention to detail and will provide you with a professional proposal that has a design of your project, ideas for materials and colors as well as a timeline for production. In fact, a master remodeler should provide you with a visual diagram of their remodeling process to set your expectations as to activity, timelines and disruptions.
Regardless, make sure you take your time. After you have taken the time to verify the facts to support the claims of your contractor, it is always important to listen to your gut feelings as to the synergy and connection you need to have with your professional remodeler. After all, they will be transforming your most important asset…your home.