My Remodeling Project Should go to the Lowest Bidder!

When planning a home remodeling project, the most common mistakes homeowners make is underestimating the total price for the project. This is an easy trap to fall into, as most major renovations such as a new kitchen, master bathroom or even entire home remodel is something a homeowner takes on only once or twice in their lifetime. 

If you are inspired by the home improvement reality shows, it’s important to understand exactly what you’re seeing. It is pure entertainment and is far from reality. The construction industry and buyers have perpetuated a market in which the lowest bidder sets the standard for what a job should cost, creating a misperception of what projects actually cost. This does a huge disservice to both our clientele. 

Most homeowners get their three estimates and then stops their search. In far too many cases, they simply choose the least expensive option instead of looking for the best fit, the highest value and the best professional contractor suited for their project! 

Why select the cheapest way to go with one of the highest value investments most people will ever make…your home.  

Hence why using a professional design build contractor who specializes in remodeling should be your “go to” choice as to whom will build your project. Hiring a top quality professional should not be a show stopper as it relates to your budget. Your budget, your timelines and the quality of materials selected for your project should all be driven by the design, not the price

I realize that last statement might surprise you, but all too often homeowners have a different perception of the value provided by using a professional remodeler. By taking the time and using the experience from a true remodeling professional, you will come to understand their true importance. They will show you how the design you both create together, will drive your entire project. 

Starting any remodeling project is a serious undertaking and it is important for you to take the time upfront with a professional remodeler to really design and plan out the entire project. Be sure whomever you select, provides you with a detailed architectural design, a comprehensive proposal with a fixed price and a project management schedule which reflects the true requirements needed to complete your entire project on time and on budget.

This approach may mean spending a little more on your project, but investing in a high-quality, professional job will end up saving you time and money in the long run. In the end, my experience has been that our clients always end up with a higher quality, beautiful project that matches or exceeds their expectations. That result will never happen with a low bid project. 

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